Rev Amy Beltaine, Spiritual Tending

If you are awake in this world, your heart is bruised, if not broken. Let's make sure you are not broken down, but broken OPEN! You need all the support you can get!

Check the box(es) below to receive:
  • Periodic news from Amy - opportunities to connect and receive from Amy's ministry, about twice per year.
  • 52 weeks of Affirmations and Consolations - to feed your spirit (short emails)
  • 52 weeks of Breathing Spells - spiritual journeys to restore your spirit (links to short youtube videos)
  • Announcements about CHS Spiritual Feasts - twice monthly gatherings on Zoom for earth-relatings, deities-honoring folks to connect and reflect
  • Tools for Spiritual Companions - Tools for Sacred Fools - Grow your spiritual direction practice with ways to nurture deep wholeness, connect to divine love, and invite courage and play. (informative emails for current and aspiring Spiritual Companions)
  • Opportunities for congregations and organizations
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Blessings of Moon*Forest*Bone,
Reverend Amy
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